Hi!! We’re Playing Card system!! It’s nice to meet you :) there’s over 1000 of us!!
We’re all queer and neurodivergent, and most of us are pretty feminine.
We use They/them pronouns collectively. We also use you&/your& though if you think you can get how to use it!!!(/t)
We use emoticons and kaomji a lot, because we think they’re cute hehe. Some of us have typing quirks like uwu speak or number-letters, we won’t always be able to translate but we’ll try our best.
Body is under 18, no nsfw or lewd comments.
We have adhd, aphantasia, synesthesia, misophonia, tourettes, and elhers-danlos syndrome + some more we can’t remember lol
We love anything creative!!! We love love love fashion, and we’re mostly scene/punk/goth/or pastel!!!
We love a lot of media (Danganronpa, undertale, melanie martinez, be more chill, etc) and we will probs continue to like it no matter what if it’s comforting lmao
A few of us are married to other people (not Fr lol), and have out-of-system relations, we will be very affectionate to them lol
DMs are always open, feel free to friend req us, pings/@‘s are totally fine (and help us know when we’re needed cause we’re usually off our devices), nicknames totally cool, please don’t use petnames without asking, flirty/super complimentary stuff is usually ok but we’ll tell you if it’s too far.
Please use tone tags with us!!! We are very bad at processing tone and TI’s help with that and our anxiety/paranoia

DNI/I might block you:
Basic dni (sexist, racist, trump supporter, etc)
Anti-Endogenic or created systems
Cringe culture
Nsfw centered blogs/non-comical nsfw
Post lovecore, Traumacore, weirdcore, oddcore, yanderecore, assaultcore, abusecore, or dreamcore
Make unreality or paranoia jokes like “Spain isn’t real” or “I’m on my way to your house”
Transmed/think you need dysphoria to be trans/anti-mogai/anti-xenogender
Unsupportive of any good faith neo/xenopronouns
Anti-mspec lesbians/queers
Are gonna say shit about our typing quirks in a rude way
Source shamers, want to judge our introjects for their sources or the opposite, will treat our introjects exactly like their source without asking if they’re comfortable with it
Vent blogs/post vents a lot
Post a lot of Kpop, tildes (the little squiggly lines on your keyboard), or intense syscourse
Any type of discourse blog
Trauma blog (even if recovery based)
Super straight, super bi, or whatever
Don’t tw posts when asked
Empty blog
Physically 21+ (we’re mostly children)
Anti-KFF or use the word kinnie without asking
Tearzah/dollieguts supporter
Are gonna be mad at our introjects for indulging in their source

Praesigenic/pangenic, willobased, monoconscious, non-disordered, moneotian, introject and little heavy.

Triggers (disrepect or disregarders, especially when we ask to stop, will be blocked)
Tildes (the little squiggly lines on your keyboard). They make us physically ill. Do not use them, no matter whatTraumacore (+lovecore/yanderecore/oddcore/weirdcore/dreamcore/abusecore/cultcore/assaultcore)Anti-Endos (Or anti-created systems)Kink of any kindThe name K//en (o)Eating disorder talk, dieting, weight, body insecurity, body dysmorphia, caloriesANY unreality even jokes like “Spain isn’t real” or “this world is a game”ANY type of global catastropheParanoia triggers like “1’m 1n y0ur w@//s” or “I know where you live” or even “I’m on my way to your house”Reality checksVent artMost bugs (censor/cw just in case please)Tics (not really a depression trigger, but they’ll make our tics and typing tics act up so be ready)DrowningChokingDissociaDIDTelling us to not use typing quirks/mocking our quirks

Social medias: (Not many, we tend to stay off social media for our mental health)
Discord - The Playing Card System 🃏#7181
Tumblr - the-playing-card-system
Hello sweet days - adik38 (LittleSystem)

Squicks: (May result in softblock if repeatedly ignored)
SyscourseSexual assaultBruises/bloodCuts of any typeRepetitionSpaceDeathOpen waterAquatic animalsParanoia triggers like “1’m 1n y0ur w@//s” are absolutely off the tableAudio clipsSalad fingersFakeclaimingHandcuffs/collars/gags are a big nonoThe end of the worldToothbrushesGuns/knives/weaponsOverheatingClothes being “inappropriate”Talks of lolisBeing forgotten/abandoned